Gameloft releases Captain America: TWS to the Play Store, free-to-play for first 2 levels


Captain America: TWS  Captain America: TWS

Square off with traditional Marvel villains with all of the powers you expect

Gameloft is releasing another hit game title today, leveraging recent popularity with Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The game is a comic-styled third-person shooter, letting you play as Captain America supported by a powerful S.H.I.E.L.D. Strike Team moving through a full campaign of protecting the world. You’ll have full choice of your tactics, growing your Strike Team over time and making use of Captain America’s skills, including the indestructible shield and Avenger support.

You’ll square off against traditional Marvel villains such as King Cobra, Taskmaster, Puff Adder and more in the campaign mode, but there’s also an online multiplayer mode. You can join clans to challenge rival players, track your progress on leaderboards and earn special rewards with limited-time events.

The game is free in the Play Store, giving you access to the first two levels with no strings attached. If you want to unlock the full game, you’ll be dropping a modest $2.99 on an in-app purchase. Another quick thing to note is that the app’s description says it requires an internet connection to play — something to keep in mind if you plan on playing as you ride the subway to work.