T-Mobile G1 Commercial "Questions"



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T-Mobile has finally put the G1 in the public’s eye by way of commercial. This advertisement, aptly named “Questions”, shows a lot of random people asking random questions. To solve this dilemma: the T-Mobile G1, of course! With integrated Google Search on your phone, all your questions can be answered. We guess that’s the pitch.

It has a similar feel to Microsoft’s “I’m a PC” ad because it links people of all class, color, and occupations with one uniting factor. In this instance it’s curiosity. Do we find it particularly effective? Not so much. You can pretty much use Google on any smartphone with internet access, this isn’t unique at all.

If T-Mobile asked for our opinion on how to market the T-Mobile G1. We’d tell ’em: Milk, use, and squeeze Google for all its worth. People who tend to like Google will have high hopes on the mobile platform created by Google.