What is DeFi? Everything you need to know about the future of decentralised finance


Marc Wojno

Written by

Marc Wojno, Senior Editor

Marc Wojno

Marc Wojno
Senior Editor

Marc Wojno has been a writer and editor in the financial field for more than two decades.

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on January 18, 2022

| Topic: The Future of Money

Decentralized finance, or ‘DeFi’, is an emerging digital financial infrastructure that theoretically eliminates the need for a central bank or government agency to approve financial transactions. Regarded by many as an umbrella term for a new wave of financial services innovation, DeFi is deeply connected with blockchain — the decentralized, immutable, public ledger on which Bitcoin is based — that enables all computers (or nodes) on a network to hold a copy of the history of transactions. The idea is that no single entity has control over, or can alter, that ledger of transactions.





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