Tiny, blurry HTC Evo 4G appears in Sprint Store


Sprint HTC Evo 4G

This blurry little picture of the Sprint HTC Evo 4G, allegedly in a Sprint store in Central Florida, means one of two things: Either we’re still hurting from last night, or the Evo 4G’s actually made its way into a Sprint store. OK, both are probably true. Question is, what’s it doing there? We’re only about a week away from Sprint’s Evo 4G event in NYC. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be available immediately after. But now that Apple has announced the date for WWDC (where we all expect a new, next-gen iPhone), we’re betting Sprint wants to get the Evo 4G out the door just as quickly as possible. Stand by. [ppcgeeks via Engadget]