Moto Maker landing page now live on Verizon site


Moto Maker for Verizon

We’ve been pretty sure that this was coming, but seeing this Moto Maker page on Verizon’s website seals the deal. Listed as temporarily out of stock, the custom-designed Moto X will soon no longer be an AT&T exclusive.

Supposedly, see Moto Maker open for all, with rumors of it being available for the rest of the big four (AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon) and some compelling evidence that it happens for both Verizon and T-Mobile on November 11. 

Will the Moto Maker program and the price drop revive interest in one of 2013’s best phones? We think so. Hit the comments to share your thoughts.

Source: Verizon. Thanks everyone who sent this in!