Is The T-Mobile Private NYC Launch Event Not Related to Android ??


Ugh. Remember that T-Mobile Private Launch Party in NYC we told you guys about? Signs are pointing away from a launch of the T-Mobile G2 and instead pointing towards…Blackberry. How we hate you so.

Why do we think it’s going to be Blackberry-focused? Well, T-Mobile is co-hosting an event in London the same exact day WITH Blackberry, so unless their releasing two different devices on the same day…it looks like the G2 talks were a little premature.

We’ll keep our eyes peeled (and our fingers crossed!) for any news regarding Android but don’t be saddened if you get a new Blackberry device instead of a G2. Yeah, either way, we’re already preparing ourselves for the worst.

Do you guys still have hopes to see the G2 on April 21st?

[via gizmodo]