Logitech’s Google TV set-top box will be the Logitech Revue


Logitech Revue

Logitech just confirmed a previous report from Engadget that its Google TV set-top box will be called the Logitech Revue. Still no word on pricing or when we’ll see any of this launch (other than “this fall”), but Logitech did give an explanation regarding the name:

At Logitech, we’re known for certain kinds of products – peripherals, video calling, entertainment control, streaming media….

Logitech Revue does everything we’re known for and more. So it couldn’t just be the Harmony Box or Squeezebox TV or, even worse, the Logitech TV Hub (although believe me, we’ve discussed them all). The meaning of Revue is a type of multi-act theatrical entertainment that combined music, dance and sketches – wildly popular between 1910 and 1930.

Logitech Revue is a companion box and controller that brings the experience of Google TV to your TV screen. It combines everything on the Web, cable or satellite content, apps, video calling and more that will be wildly popular between 2010 and 2030, until we reinvent interaction again.

So that’s that. Now it’s time to get this thing into living rooms across America. Specifically, mine. [Logitech]