I spent an hour with Apple Support. These are the crazy problems people reported


I imagine the Support people sit alone, and practice meditation.



My MacBook keyboard, the one with the malfunctioning M-key, had focused my mind.

(That sentence took me almost 40 seconds to type. A lot of M’s.)

I wondered, though, what other problems people around the world reported to Apple every single day.

So I spent a random hour wafting down the Apple Support Twitter feed, just to hear the ululations of the faithful.

I didn’t know what to expect. What I found was deeply sobering.

One customer, for example, offered: “I. D.o.n.t <—— WHY THE HELL is my phone autocorrecting ‘I don’t’ to this shit…”

I confess I’ve never heard this one. Apple Support’s first instinct was to suggest checking whether the customer was on the latest version of iOS.

Yet as I scrolled down, I began to realize this was a thing. Many more people had exactly the same problem.

Another customer had a darker problem: “We continue to get unauthorized charges (now up to $200) from @lovenikkimobile via the @Apple itunes, and no one will help us. We are delinking our credit card from itunes.”

The delinking didn’t seem to work: “We did on Sunday, stopped the charges for a few days, and then another $20 charge today after we had deleted the app. Talking to you guys again now.”