Samsung Stackers are Tetrimino-styled containers for your leftovers

Samsung Stackers

Samsung has announced a new, fun looking product to combat food waste. Presenting the Samsung Stackers, created in association with The Tetris Company. Samsung Stackers are food storage containers that come in seven Tetrimino shapes and colors (cyan, yellow, purple, green, blue, red and orange) for users to store their food efficiently and stack them like in the game.

The collaboration for a simple product like this may seem predatory but in fact, it is born out of good intentions. Samsung conducted European-wide research and found that “over half of Europeans (54%) believe a better food organization system would help them reduce their food waste and two thirds (64%) believe their food would last longer if they stored it correctly.” Samsung will also donate profits from selling Samsung Stackers to the European Food Banks Federation that manages 335 food banks all across Europe.

The new Samsung Stackers will sell in Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Hungary, Greece and France for €25.00 and in the UK for £20.00.

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