Verizon to offer $100 bill credit on new lines from Feb. 7th to 28th



Activation fees also waived until Feb. 17th

Looking to activate a new line with a smartphone or mobile data device on Verizon? Well you’ll be able to receive a $100 bill credit if you do so in the next three weeks. Reading from internal training document given to Android Central, it looks as though Verizon is ready to offer a $100 discount for any new line of service started from February 7th to February 28th, so long as it comes with a two-year agreement.

The $100 credit will be applied to your third billing cycle, so in order to receive it you’ll at least have to stay with the carrier a full 60 days (there’s always fine print somewhere.)

The document also makes reference to an activation fee exemption that will be going on until February 17th — that’s another $35 savings when activating a new line. We’re not sure if this is something big enough to be switching carriers over, but it could be a reason to activate in this window and save a bit of money if you were planning on starting a new line. Hard to say “no” to $135 in savings, even if it is a small portion of your bill over two years.

Thanks, Anon!

Android Central