Announcing the ‘Weekly Photo Contest: Window’ winners!


Weekly Photo Contest: Window

Dozens of great entries, with a few wonderful ones that take home the prizes

With each weekly photo contest we like to give a prompt that gets you out there and thinking about what kinds of great and interesting photos you can take. This week that prompt was “window,” and dozens of people across several pages in the forums turned out to give their best shot at a single photo that meets the letter and spirit of the contest.

Although there were dozens of great entries this week, as usual, we can only pick a few to be prize winners this week. Read on and see the three winning photos for this week, and keep an eye out for the next photo contest, which will be available to enter later today.

Winner of a box of assorted Android Central swag, Stang68!

Weekly Photo Contest: Window Winner

When we wanted pictures involving windows, we knew it’d be hard to use the glass window itself as the subject. This picture has done just that, pegging the camera’s focus on a rain-covered car window and letting everything else provide a blurry backdrop. This was taken with a Droid Charge and edited in Snapseed.

Winner of a box of assorted Android Central swag, danperde!

Weekly Photo Contest: Window Winner

Like a shot straight out of a movie, this is a perfectly symmetrical and picturesque scene of a beach through a window with open curtains. We love the colors and warmth this image shows. Taken with a Galaxy S4 and edited in PicSay Pro.

Winner of a box of assorted Android Central swag, gonpo77!

Weekly Photo Contest: Window Winner

This picture takes the idea of windows and makes it a little more abstract. We’re looking at the reflection of buildings in another building’s windows, creating some funky colors and designs. This was taken with a Galaxy S3 and touched up with some Instagram filters.

Keep an eye on your doorsteps and mailboxes for a package, the Android Central swag bags are on their way!

Thanks again to everyone else who entered, and keep your eyes peeled for the next photo contest. We want the chance to give away more great prizes to everyone, so keep taking pictures and entering them!

  • More: Photo Contests in the Android Central Forums