Behold: Verizon’s Motorola Devour


Verizon Motorola Devour Box

Well lookie what just slipped into our inbox. It’s the retail box for the Motorola Devour (aka the Calgary), which we’re going to see on Verizon any time now. Looks like the leaked shot we saw a ways back was right on track, as the D-pad’s given way to an optical sensor. MotoBLUR gets top billing here, with “Live life for the Story” the Moto motto.

Still no word on when you’ll be able to pick one up, but it’s got to be soon at this point. Peep a pic of the back of the box after the break.

Update: An astute commenter notes that this likely is the promotions pack being sent to Verizon stores, and that what you’ll get when you buy the phone will be different. Makes sense to us.

Verizon Motorola Devour box back