Motorola puts its Gallery app in the Play Store, updates with a new look


Motorola Gallery

A new light theme and slight design tweak from the original app

Motorola’s take on the Gallery app is now joining a long list of apps moving out to the Play Store for easy updating. At the same time, Moto is giving the Gallery app a facelift with a new light color palette and slide-in drawer on the left edge. Motorola says that the image thumbnails are larger and navigation is simpler. At the heart of it this still looks like the same ‘ol Gallery app and editing features, just with a little bit of tweaking to make it look and feel different.

The biggest story here is Motorola’s ability now to update the Gallery app in the Play Store without updating all of its phones independently. The Moto X, Moto G and latest Droid devices on Verizon — provided they’re running KitKat — are all compatible with this new Motorola Gallery and will receive updates through the Play Store from here on out.

If you have one of Moto’s new devices, hit the Play Store link above to grab your new Gallery.

Motorola Gallery  Motorola Gallery