Specs battle: BlackBerry Z10 vs. the best of Android


BB10 comparison

Comparing the Z10 to the Galaxy S3 and others

Now that BlackBerry has finally managed to get some new hardware out the door, it’s time to put it up against the best of Android. The BlackBerry Z10 is your basic black-slab phone, not unlike what we’ve come to know and love (or at least accept as standard design) with Android devices the past couple years. 

The specs probably won’t send your jaw toward the floor or anything, but then again they’re not really supposed to.

After the break, we’ve got a full breakdown of the BlackBerry Z10 (and read CB’s full Z10 review if you get a minute) versus the Samsung Galaxy S3, HTC Droid DNA, Motorola RAZR MAXX HD and the Nexus 4.

And be sure to hit up our pals at CrackBerry for all the latest BB10 news.

BB10 comparison