UnrEVOked – the simple way to root your Evo



If your dying for root access on your Evo 4G but just can’t figure out how ADB works, or custom recoveries confuse you – fear not, my friends. “Unrevoked” might just be for you. It’s a very simple one-click root method which allows you to run root-required apps, and even gives you Super-user protection. All you do is copy the “unrevoked.apk” file onto your SD card and install it using Astro, or some other file manager. Easy enough, right? The only problem is that you have run the app after every reboot, as it’s not permanent. And it also doesn’t give you a custom recovery, so you can’t flash ROMs – but if you’re just looking to run some “root apps”, then this is definitely your cup of tea! After the break are a couple screenshots, and thanks everyone who sent this in!  [via Unrevoked]