How To Read Reddit Threads Offline


If you are not one for reading a book on a daily and would instead like to read your favorite subreddits, threads or other exchanges on Reddit, find out how you can read these threads offline in a few simple steps.

Reddit logo wide

Reading Reddit threads offline is a peculiar hobby of a sort but it still has apps to do the very thing on the Apple and Android.

While Windows might not have an app to do so, you are still able to read Reddit threads offline with the help of a simple extension and the use of an APK file, you too can now enjoy your offline Reddit readings with the help of emulating the Android experience on your browser!

While this guide might be a bit unconventional and will make use an extension meant for Android developers, we have however used said extension once before when we emulated ShowBox into Google Chrome.

Much like the previous guide, we will make use of the extension ARC Welder [Chrome Web Store] and while following the same steps that made us bring ShowBox to life in our browser, we will replicate the results in order to bring offline Reddit threads available to us with the help of a free Android app.

From this point forward in the guide, we will assume you have downloaded and installed ARC Welder using the Chrome Webstore since installing an extension is only a matter of a few clicks.


Once you have downloaded and installed ARC Welder on your browser (Google Chrome), you will now search and install the APK of Reddit Offline [Google PlayStore] while we can not link you to the APK itself, Google is your best friend in this regard.

Since this is a free app, it is technically not piracy and the APK is needed since we will need it to emulate the software in the browser.


When you have downloaded the APK, you have to navigate to the APK from ARC Welder and run it, allowing us to have direct access to the app from the browser.

Finding the APK.

Leave all of the options default and in the form factor, you can choose the screen size that reddit offline will occupy. I am going to choose phone but you are free to choose any option you wish. When you have done so, press the Test button to begin.

Making the APK run.

the APK in action.


When you have downloaded and are running Reddit Offline from ARC Welder, you will see a big arrow pointing downward at the center of a horizontal line.

This will download all the contents of the front page, and if you choose from a variety of options from the drop-down box to the left of the download button, you will again be given a number of options for what to download such as AskReddit, AskScience, ExplainLikeImFive, TodayIlearned, etc.

Saving contents of other popular subreddits.

When you have chosen which subreddit content you want to download, simply press the download button and you will have downloaded all the content of that chosen subreddit.

You can see the download status from the hamburger menu to the right of the download button.

Downloading subreddit data.

If you want to download the contents of a specific subreddit, you can click the hamburger menu to the right of this button and direct yourself to the necessary subreddit too and download your desired content.

How to download other subreddit.


As you can see, this is the app in action and will allow you to download content from any subreddit which you desire to, but the only condition is that you make sure to let it download properly.

Interrupting the download can make you lose all the progress and as such leave you with nothing. I highly recommend against anything that can otherwise disrupt the download in any way since it might defeat the purpose of the guide.

While reading subreddits has become a relatively new concept and is seen relatively less, there are some very interesting subreddits which you can download and read in the absence of internet such as /r/writingprompts, /r/history, or other subreddits that pertain to your interests!

Do bare in mind that there is no way of transfering your contents from your browser to your phone or tablet. So if you do change your mind about wanting to read on the laptop or other Windows device and wish to transfer your downloaded data onto a smaller device, you will be unable to do so.

You will have to start the download procedure from scratch on the new device. So do try and find any device that is lighter and easier to read on while traveling.

If you are a fan of reading subreddits on the move, let us know in the comments section below about which subreddits are your favorite and why?