Reminder: Google’s Santa Tracker starts doing more today


Santa Tracker

Thanksgiving is over, and for many families that means it is time to start decorating for Christmas. While you’re busy setting up a tree and figuring out which bulb in your impossibly long strand of lights is in need of replacing, it may have slipped your mind that Google’s Santa Tracker app and website started unlocking fun things for you to do with your family.

Not to worry, we’re here with a friendly reminder.

For the uninitiated, Google’s Santa Tracker is an absurdly huge digital undertaking that seems to grow in functionality every year. While there are several Santa Tracker apps and websites out there, Google’s offering combines a web app and an Android app to offer a 25-day experience that is all about Santa and Christmas. Each day there’s a new activity to unlock, starting this year with a coloring book about giving which includes information about popular charities that help people all around the world. At the end of the journey there’s a “live” Santa tracker that shows you where on Earth the big man in red is currently flying around.

If nothing else, this is a fun app to Chromecast to your TV throughout December so your kids can see the countdown to Christmas and a great look at the fun and educational activities Google sprinkles throughout the month. Since Google is always adding new things, we’re sure to see something fun for everyone before the tracker goes live. Enjoy!

Take me to the Tracker!