Android continues its upward trend


AdMob's November numbers

AdMob, a company that serves up ads for mobile devices, has released its November numbers. And things continue to look up for Android since October, as you can see from the chart above. Some interesting stats:

  • Worldwide, requests from Android devices jumped five percentage points over October, to 16 percent.
  • The Motorola Droid attributed to 22 percent of worldwide ad requests in November, followed by the HTC Magic/myTouch 3G (21 percent) and Hero (9 percent).
  • Six months ago, the HTC G1 generated 92 percent of Android traffic. With the release of a number of new devices, that’s down to 37 percent.
  • The number of Android devices pinging AdMob is up seven percentage points over October, to 27 percent.
  • The HTC dream leads ad requests in the U.S. and UK at 38 percent and 41 percent, respectively, but the Motorola Droid is up to a quarter of the requests in the United States.

This isn’t the be all-end of numbers, but there’s no denying that Android continues to grow in leaps and bounds. Read the full report here. (pdf link)