How to pronounce Huawei the official way


It seems that Huawei must be getting slightly ticked off at people incorrectly pronouncing their company name. They have gone so far as to create the above video, where they teach the good people of New York how to say it right.

It turns out I am guilty of saying it incorrectly myself. The official pronunciation is ‘WAH-WAY” which will feel a bit odd to native English speakers. Like many I suspect I have been using the ‘HOW-WAY’ variation, which we now know to be bad and wrong.

Huawei’s sales have gone through the roof in recent years — the company turned over $32 Billion last year which was a 11% increase on 2010. With the Chinese company now selling its own brand devices overseas, it makes sense that it’s trying to get consumers better acquainted with its name.

At least now we know. And knowing is half the battle.