Missed the Moto 360 hangout? No worries, catch the replay!


Motorola yesterday held a live Hangout On Air to talk Moto 360, with design lead, Jim Wicks. Despite some technical difficulties – seems someone didn’t know how to set up a proper broadcast! – things eventually got underway and we saw and heard a few interesting tidbits.

There were actual, working Moto 360 watches there, and while we didn’t really see much of it in action we did learn a few things about the design choices and how it functions. We found out that Moto 360 will work with any Android device running 4.3 Jelly Bean and above and that Moto has some kind of ‘secret special sauce’ charging method employed.

If you missed the live show, we’ve embedded the replay for you up top. It’s just over 20 minutes long, so grab a beverage and take a look.