GM announces OnStar-Google partnership, will show more at Google IO


Chevy Volt Android Application

General Motors this morning announced it is adding even more Android to the upcoming Chevy Volt — and we’ll check it all out this week at Google IO.

We’ve already seen the Chevy Volt app for Android when it debuted at CES in January, and it’ll be upgrated later this year to add Google Maps features, including voice search and Google Maps Navigation, wich we’ve enjoyed on Android 2.0 and up for a while now.

What we’re really itching to see is what OnStar has up its sleeve in regards to Android.

“While OnStar will never lose sight of our core focus on safety and security, this relationship is an example of how we’re evolving our leadership position in connected vehicle technology,” Chris Preuss, OnStar president, said in a news release. “What we’re talking about today is only the beginning.”

Indeed. More this week as we get it. [via GM] Thanks to everyone who sent this in.