Welcome the official CrackBerry.com Android app to Google Play!


CrackBerry App

The app you know and love, now with the best BlackBerry news

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. At long last, at great expense to life and limb and with no small amount of fanfare, we’re happy to announce that the second Mobile Nations community has a proper native application on Google Play.

In other words, CrackBerry has arrived.

If you’re a fan of the Android Central app — and if you’re not, you really should be — you’ll feel right at home with the CB version. We’ve taken all the awesomeness of the AC app, all the blood, sweat and tears, and optimized it for CrackBerry. That means you get all blog posts. All the reviews. All the editorials. You can play podcasts in the dedicated podcast section. Videos play directly in the app. You’ve got full access to the CrackBerry forums, as well as Shop CrackBerry. (The CB Wallpaper Gallery will be added in a future update.)

And best of all, it’s free.

Again, this is a native Android application. And while those on BB10 will be able to sideload it, you’ll get a better native BlackBerry experience with the official BB10 app from BlackBerry World. Just something to keep in mind.

Hope you enjoy it! Hit the download link above.