ShopAndroid Spring Sale: Save 20% on all Android accessories!


Spring is finally here! Well, according to the calendar at least. It’s warming up now, the snow is melting and it’s almost time to get back outside and enjoy the weather. That means you’ll want to make sure all your Android phones and tablets up the challenge as well.

To celebrate the end of winter, you can stock up on some toys for all your Android devices and save 20% on ALL cases and accessories at during our Spring Sale (now through 3/31). To take advantage of the savings, all you need to do is enter in coupon code Spring14 during the checkout process. FREE shipping is available on all orders over $50 (domestic US / Canada), and you have lots of payment methods beyond standard credit card including Amazon payments, Paypal and Bitcoin!

We have tons of accessories in stock for the Samsung Galaxy S4, Moto X, HTC One (M8), Galaxy Note 3 and more! Be sure to take advantage of the savings while they last. 

And for those of you taking a spare device along for the ride, don’t forget the Spring14 coupon also works at the iMore Store, and our Windows Phone Central Store. Your shopping cart will follow you through all four stores, so you can buy from all four stores and checkout once. 

  • Take me to ShopAndroid and let spring be sprung!