Google pushes minor updates to a handful of apps


Google Updates

Wednesday means Google update day

Google has pushed out a few updates today, most of them very minor. This usually happens every Wednesday, and everyone here at AC starts grabbing phones and tablets to see what is new and how it’s different.

Nothing big happened so far today, have a look to see which app updates you should be on the lookout for.

  • Google Translate recieved an update to enable handwriting support for 13 new languages — Arabic, Bosnian, Cebuano, Gujarati, Hmong, Kannada, Maltese, Mongolian, Persian, Punjabi, Somali, Tamil, and Telugu.
  • YouTube let the dogs out, but the “real” update will allow you to reply to comments from the app.
  • Maps was updated with bug fixes and upcoming events when you search out a place by name.
  • Chromecast was updated with bug fixes, and the settings were moved into the side menu as we’ve seen with other Google applications.
  • Chrome Beta just got some bug fixes and the usual stability improvements.
  • Wallet was covered earlier, but it’s in this list for completeness. Have a click to see the big changes.