Quick App – Sobees twitter client



Twitter, like Android, is exploding.  The latest entry into the Android twitterverse is from sobees.  Many of you might already be familiar with Sobees desktop and web apps, but their application for Android is all new. 

Follow after the break for a video and my impressions of the new Sobees twitter application.

I’m seeing a trend in Android twitter clients.  The most full featured apps never seem to get the UI up to par, and those with the killer interface seem to forget something.  Sobees fits there too.

As you can tell from the video, the user interface is spot-on perfect.  It’s clean, easy to understand, and just screams professional product.  From small (but very handy) features like font size adjustment, to integrated bit.ly URL shortening and geotagging, all the elements fit together for one hell of an app.  There’s a problem though — no background notifications.  I can handle the inline ads, especially since they are unobtrusive and seem relevant, but in this writers opinion a twitter client must check for replies and direct messages in the background.
really hope this is something that’s in the works, as that’s really all the app is missing. 

After all is said and done, kudos to Sobees for choosing Android to debut their mobile offering, and let’s all wish them great success and show our support.

Have a look at the video, and hit the links to download and try out Sobees for yourself. [sobees]

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