Samsung announces Android Galaxy S, with 4-inch Super AMOLED screen


Samsung Galaxy S

Samsung Mobile president J.K. Shin at this morning’s keynote just announced the Samsung Galaxy S, a monster 4-inch Super AMOLED Android phone.

The phone has three main pillars in its inception: Screen, speed and content.

For screen, it ha the new Super AMOLED technology that Samsung unveiled back at Mobile World Congress, which in addition to bringing the brightest screen available, it brings a 20 percent increase in battery life, Shin said.

On the processor side, it features a 1GHz chip — the new standard for Samsung, Shin said — bringing better graphics, multitasking and video.

But really, Shin said, it all boils down to content. The greatest screen in the world means nothing if you don’t have content for it. And in that end, full-length movies and TV shows are optimized for the device. Also coming are books, newspapers and magazines. You want content? You got content.

We’re headed over to get a closer look. Stay tuned.