Apple’s Steve Jobs calls BS on Google’s ‘Don’t be evil’ motto


Mini Steve Jobs

If for some reason you still think Apple and Google are all buddy-buddy when it comes to accepting your dollars, well, CEO Steve Jobs just put an end to that when addressing his employees at a town hall-style event later in the day. Speaking anonymously to Wired, a tipster says Jobs flat-out called Google’s “Don’t be evil” motto BS while going on the defensive.

On Google: We did not enter the search business, Jobs said. They entered the phone business. Make no mistake they want to kill the iPhone. We won’t let them, he says. Someone else asks something on a different topic, but there’s no getting Jobs off this rant. I want to go back to that other question first and say one more thing, he says. This don’t be evil mantra: “It’s bullshit.” Audience roars.

Some of that’s likely just rallying the troops. But it starts to make you think that possibly Jobs does see Android in his rear-view mirror. [via The iPhone Blog]