Google reportedly acquires artificial intelligence company you’ve never heard of


Android Central

Deepmind purchase said to be in the region of $400 million

Google’s spending spree looks like it’s continuing, with the reported $400 million purchase of a London based artificial intelligence company you’ve likely never heard of. But, just because Deepmind isn’t a household name, doesn’t mean there isn’t some serious talent behind it.

The acquisition was first reported, and then confirmed later, by re/code, who’s sources said that this is an artificial intelligence and talent led acquisition, led by Google CEO Larry Page himself. Deepmind’s business is largely unknown, but the company’s website describes it as combining “the best techniques from machine learning and systems neuroscience to build powerful general-purpose learning algorithms.”

Quite what Google has in mind only time will tell, but it’ll be a lot of fun finding out. 

Source: re/code