Gowalla for Android hits beta, test it yourself!


If you’re into the latest location-based, social-networking check-in styled type ‘game’, you’re in luck. Gowalla has just finished a beta app for Android and is asking you, our faithful readers, to give it a whirl. Previously, you could use Gowalla through a serviceable mobile app but we all know that native apps are the way to go. Gowalla has delivered a great experience for Android (some would say it even trumps the iPhone) but it currently lacks Gowalla Trips and doesn’t do any image caching, so there’s still a little bit left to go.

If you want to get the Gowalla Beta App for Android, point your Android browser to this link: http://static.gowalla.com/gowalla-android-20100212.apk. Make sure you can install non-Market applications by going through Menu > Settings > Applications and checking off “Unknown Sources”.

Thanks Wes!