How to use the Samsung Galaxy S4 as a flashlight


Samsung Galaxy S4 flashlight

Need a light? The Samsung Galaxy S4 has a very useful LED flash for you.

The camera flash on the Samsung Galaxy S4 is powerful enough to be used as a flashlight to peek into dark corners — under the couch, down the stairs, in the recesses of the closet, or where ever else you may need to look. Samsung devices come pre-installed with a handy toggle for this kind of utility.

  1. Tap the Apps icon in the bottom right of the home screen
  2. Tap the Widgets tab at the top of the screen
  3. Swipe left or right until you find the Assistive Light widget
  4. Tap and hold the widget for a moment, drag the widget to the home screen you desire, then release
  5. Now tap the Assistive Light widget to enable your camera flash as a flashflight.

Keep in mind that leaving this on for a lengthy amount of time will have an impact on the battery. Also, there are flashlight apps in Google Play that provide more involved functionality than what’s bundled with the Samsung Galaxy S4. Here are a few options to consider.

  • Download: Torch – Tiny Flashlight (free)
  • Download: Flashlight HD LED (free)
  • Download: LED Torch & Clock (free)
  • Download: TeslaLED Flashlight (free)
  • Download: Amazing Flashlight (free)

That’s a quick and dirty rundown of using your Samsung Galaxy S4 LED as a torch. Do you have any favorite apps? Any time the flashlight has come in really handy?