Motorola Milestone Launching January 26 On Telus ?



We’ve already known that the Motorola Milestone (the GSM version of the Droid) would be available to our neighbors to the north on Telus for quite some time. However, we only knew it was coming in ‘early 2010’ but now there are some reports floating around pegging the official date as January 26th. Considering that the Nexus One is on everybody’s mind (but not yet available in Canada), we think it’s best to hit the stores as soon as possible. January 26th is a good date to start.

Don’t forget, the Milestone one ups the Droid because it has multitouch in the browser which makes it such a joy to use. But on the flip side, no Google Maps Navigation. And also, AT&T users pay attention because the Telus Milestone will work with AT&T 3G. Oh yes it will.

[via engadget]