Hands-on with the Motorola Backflip


Motorola Backflip

Let’s be perfectly clear here: When I first saw the leaked images of the Motorola Backflip, I didn’t know what to make of it and wrote it off as gimmicky. OK, a keyboard that contorts and kind of wraps itself around a phone is gimmicky. But once you see it in action — along with Android 2.1 and Motoblur —  it works, and it’s actually functional.

For one, Moto’s positioning the Backflip as an ultimate social networking phone. There’s an honest-to-goodness front-facing camera on the keyboard, so that you can easily take a self-portrait and upload it to Facebook. For another: You can fold the keyboard down and use it as as a stand. And when you do that, it automatically does into alarm clock mode. Really, it makes more sense than it sounds.

We’re fully expecting the Backflip on AT&T in the very near future. Check out the video after the break.

Motorola Backflip Motorola Backflip

Motorola Backflip Motorola Backflip