DVD Slim, DVD Covers Creator


Unless you happen to have access to a full blown – some would say bloated – DVD burning suite like Nero Burning Rom you likely do not have access to a DVD cover creator for your self created DVDs.

While it is not always necessary to create custom covers, for instance by alternatively writing directly on the DVD, it sometimes looks better to make use of a proper cover for archiving purposes.

DVD Slim Free is a free software for Windows to create covers for a variety of different box formats.

The software supports standard and mini DVD covers, VHS and Blu-Ray covers as well as a variety of other cover formats that you may or may not require.

dvd slim covers creator

The program uses a somewhat atypical layout. You begin to design your cover by selecting one of the available cover types from the pulldown menu in the main application interface.

You can then use the cover search to find a specific cover on the Internet, or create a custom cover with the help of the program. Several custom cover sources are provided which you can search for the title if you are burning a known TV show or movie to the disc.

Supported are images that can be loaded on to a blank cover and text that can be added to the title on front and the title edge.

Strangely enough there does not seem to be an option to add text to both the DVD front and back.

The format of the font can be customized in the settings. This includes the font type, size, color and other formatting options.

The only additional options available to the user are to change the cover format margins and total width and height in the program options, and the print command to send the newly created DVD cover to the printer.

Windows users can download DVD Slim from the developer website. The DVD covers creator is compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit editions of the Windows operating system.

Closing Words

DVD Slim is an easy to use program to create disc covers quickly. The integrated cover search option is quite useful if you want to create TV show or movie covers, and the remaining options are nice enough to create good looking functional custom covers.