DroidDoes.com Goes Live And DROID Pops Up on Motorola.com Again



DroidDoes.com is live and stylishly displays teaser-fashioned information regarding the DROID. You’ll be able to find out that with the DROID you can “put your thumbs away. DROID answers on command” and that the DROID is ‘no granola crunching, flower child phone” but “more powerful than you need and faster than you can handle”. Rather deep stuff, right?

If you’re looking for more serious information, the DROID has popped back up on Motorola’s website and it looks like how it did before. But don’t worry, Motorola still knows how to work in the superlatives. According to Motorola:

It’s a pint-sized power plant. Location aware. Voice-recognizing. App-mashing and multitasking. It can connect at breakneck speed. Power and intelligence can be more than a phone. DROID by Motorola.

It’s not all fun and games though. The official specs page is listed here and some notable specs we didn’t mention earlier: An Arm Cortex A8 550 MHz processor is what powers this puppy and it’ll have 6 hours of usage time.

All jokes aside, Verizon and Motorola are really excited about this device and it shows. Motorola is back with a bang. Verizon has one of the best phones available. And Android 2.0 comes out looking best. This might be the first win-win-win situation!