Want snow on your Google+ photos? Just shake your phone


Add a little on-demand holiday cheer to any photo you take

The latest update to the Google+ app (and therefore the Photos app) lets you add on-demand animated snowfall to any picture you take. If you’ve been using Google+ to share photos lately and have “Auto Awesome” effects turned on you may notice many of your holiday-themed pictures adding snowfall and twinkling highlights automatically, but you can now do that under your own direction with the latest update.

Simply grab the new version of Google+, rolling out gradually today, and view one of your pictures in the app (or the Phtoos app, same thing). Give your phone a little shake while viewing the photo full-screen, and you’ll see the same falling snow animation that was applied by Auto Awesome. Shake your phone again, and you’ll save that new version of the photo and can share it out to your circles.

It’s a fun little holiday-themed update to the app, and we’re sure more than a few people will take advantage of the new feature.

Source: +Paul Sowden