Motorola Working On a Social-Networking Android Phone ?


Yeah, we know all about Android and Motorola. Yeah, we have high hopes that combining Motorola hardware with Android Software will birth a game changer. Yeah, we know that Motorola is going to make a social networking Android phone..wait WHA!?

AndroidGuys has the details on a job posting for the Interaction Design Team at Motorola:

As a Senior Staff Interaction Designer, you will be responsible for leading and actively participating in the concept, design, documentation and development of user interfaces for our mobile products including our new Android Social Networking SmartPhone. You’ll lead brainstorming and work sessions, usability and innovation reviews and other forums of design development. In addition to your primary responsibility in the delivery of great design, you will also be expected to mentor other designers, bringing your personal strengths to the rest of the team.

Hm. We know that Google is in love with location based services and that Social Networking is the current rage in tech right now, but we can’t imagine basing a phone off that sole idea. Media-based phones, we get. Internet-capable phones, yeah that too. Even text message specific devices are understandable. But just Social Networking? Are we going to get a Motorola F1 with Facebook?

This could be totally innovative. Or completely awkward. Your move Moto.