Sony to announce Bravia Smart Stick this Sunday


Bravia Smart Stick

New Google TV stick will feature Google Play and Sony’s Bravia apps

Sony has outed themselves on their blog this afternoon, telling us that they have an announcement this coming Sunday. They will be talking up the new Bravia Smart Stick, which is a Google TV stick that has Sony’s Bravia apps in addition to Google Play built right in.

Don’t get too excited, as Sony says the stick is designed to plug into the MHL port on a 2013 model Sony Bravia television. They don’t say it won’t work with other brands, but we’ll hold off on any speculation and wait for them to “officially” announce it this Sunday. If you already have a 2013 Sony Bravia TV, feel free to get excited.

The Smart Stick will come with the familiar style remote from current model Google TV boxes, include a picture-in-picture function and offer support for Google Chrome. It sounds a lot like the NSZ-GZ7 (which is still a horrible name) in function, but with a smaller profile.

We’ll know more Sunday.

Source: Sony