Yahoo! Mail adds seamless Dropbox attachments


Dropbox in Yahoo! Mail Dropbox in Yahoo! Mail

New attachment functionality rivals Google’s Gmail and Drive integration

Dropbox and Yahoo! announced today that the companies will be integrating to offer seamless file attachments in the Yahoo! Mail Android app. Unveiled at its “DBX” developers conference, Dropbox and Yahoo! have now teamed up to challenge the added functionality Google offers with Gmail and Google Drive. Users that authenticate with their Dropbox account from within the Yahoo! Mail app will now be able to select either local or Dropbox files from the “attach” menu, and simply send out files that are stored in the cloud.

This pretty much directly mirrors what Google currently offers for sending large file attachments with Google Drive, with the added bonus that Dropbox is still the de facto cloud storage solution for so many people. The update is set to be live in the Play Store today from the link above, but doesn’t seem to be available just quite yet.

Source: Yahoo!