Steven Sinofsky says he carries an HTC One



The former President of Windows now carries an Android device

Speaking to Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher at the D11 conference, former head of Windows at Microsoft Steven Sinofsky dropped a small statement that he now uses an Android device. Responding to the question by Walt of “… what do you make of Google and Apple?”, Sinofsky replied with a statement that today he carries an Android phone and that “We’re all HTC One users these days.” Speaking more broadly about Google and Android, Sinfosky actually had a bit of praise for what the company has accomplished with its platform, even going so far as to say that “Android is great”.

He also spoke to some of the challenges that come along with having such a large number of APIs and products to manage at once, naturally. It’s interesting to hear a former head of Windows speak so openly about using a different platform, but it’s not at all surprising that Sinfosky would be intrigued by other devices — even if he was still at Microsoft.

Via: AllThingsD