Ingress invites passed out to players level 2 and higher


Ingress invites

Recruiting your friends and family just got easier, as Ingress has sent out new invites to level 2 and higher players

If you’re an Ingress player, and have been wanting to spread a little love and get some of your friends and family involved, there’s a good chance you just got a couple invites to hand out. The official Ingress profile on Google+ has announced that players level two and higher will receive invite codes they can pass out to folks in need. 

With rumors of “dark matter” portals and a new Red faction to compete with the Enlightened and the Resistance being talked about, it looks like the summer is going to be quite a fun time for Ingress players. Be sure to help out your friends who need an invite with the codes you got today. If you’re looking for an invite, or have a few to spread around, be sure to hit the Ingress forums!

Source: +Ingress