SoundHound now lets you control your music with your voice


SoundHound has launched a important new capability with its latest update, and now allows you to use your voice to control the app. By saying “Ok, Hound,” you can ask the app to identify songs, get the latest song by your favorite artist, or even play a particular track in Spotify.

SoundHound now lets you control your music with your voice

Here’s what you can do with SoundHound’s new voice controls:

Now go Hands-Free with “OK Hound…” Use your voice to search, discover, and play! Find that song you’re trying to identify, hands-free, in the car, on the go, or at home, discover new information about an artist, play full tracks, or add it to a playlist.
– To identify a song playing on the radio, just say “OK Hound, what song is playing?”
– To discover more about your favorite artist, say “OK Hound, what is Rihanna’s latest song?”
– To play a song, simply say, “OK Hound, play Hello by Adele.”

You can get the latest update for SoundHound from the Google Play Store now.