Nextbit Robin is coming to India in May, Kickstarter deliveries going out this month


Nextbit Robin

Nexbit has announced that it will launch the Robin in India in the month of May. No mention as of now of a launch date or estimated pricing in the country.

Meanwhile, backers who ordered the phone via Kickstarter are yet to receive their units in the country (including yours truly). Nextbit said in the month of February that it was facing regulatory hurdles in India:

Hey Rebel,

The man is trying to to hold us down. We’re running a little behind shipping Robin to you because there are a few unexpected things we need to do to sell Robin legally in India. And even though we’re rebels, we want to be around to support you, so we’re not going to go breaking the law.

We’re working hard to get Robin to you as soon as possible. So hang tight. We think it will only be a few weeks more. We’ll update you as soon as we know more.

The “few weeks” stretched out to a few months, but Nextbit has confirmed to Android Central that Kickstarter backers would be receiving their handsets before the phone becomes locally available in the country. The tentative timeline for said deliveries is sometime later this month.

MORE: Nextbit Robin review