Facebook finally releases a native Android app


Facebook for Android

After what seems like an eternity of dealing with a sluggish web view Facebook app on Android, the social media behemoth is finally releasing a new and improved version written in native code. Everyone got their hopes up when an improved, native app came to iOS a few months ago — but the status of the Android version was still “coming soon.”

The new version will drastically improve performance in critical areas such as load/resume times, navigating the timeline and loading of photo albums. Because much of the computation is now happening quickly on the device, there’s no more waiting. Facebook’s main descriptor when talking about the update is “fast,” and keep stressing that this is a complete rebuilding of the app.

The update is now live in the Play Store at the link above. We’re just getting through the features initially here and things are looking good. This one is definitely going to be a worth-while update for any Facebook users out there.

Source: Facebook; (2)