Free Wondershare Time Freeze


Wondershare Time Freeze is a virtualization software program for Microsoft Windows devices that adds a virtual environment to the computer.

One of the best options to keep data on an operating system safe is to use virtualization. Virtualization ensures that everything that happens in the virtual environment is not affecting the “real” computer system and the data stored on it.

Benefits of this approach include preventing threats from malicious software such as viruses and spyware, and leaving no traces on a computer system after shutting down the virtual system.

Wondershare Time Freeze is a virtualization solution much like Returnil, Sandboxie or Comodo Time Machine. Users can request a free license for Time Freeze by entering their name and email in the form on the official website.

Update: Time Freeze is no longer offered by Wondershare. The software is still available for download on third-party sites but has not been updated since 2010.

Wondershare Time Freeze

Time Freeze uses an interesting system. It is possible to enter protected mode and get rid of all changes afterwards by rebooting the system, or to leave the protected mode and apply the changed data to the original system.

That’s interesting for users who regularly test new programs and applications. Instead of testing them in protected more, rebooting and installing them again if they want to use them they simply can install them in protected mode and leave that mode to keep the software installed. There is obviously a danger to that as well if the user does so as installed software may impact the underlying system negatively.

Wondershare Time Freeze offers both a system protection and folder protection.

system protection

System Protection

  • Simply reboot to restore system to original state. Keep the actual system in a constant state, prevent computer from getting slower and slower with time.
  • Real-time system protection prevents malicious threats being made and doing harm to your computer.
  • Clean up computer history: Traces of surfing the internet and computer operation will disappear after reboot (You have the flexibility to save changes of virtual system to the actual system).
  • Safely play around with computer: Test software and game installations safely on virtual system.

folder protection

Folder Protection

  • Mode 1: Prohibit others to access protected folders, let alone opening files in them.
  • Mode 2: Prohibit changing files in protected folders.
  • Safe from virus: Protect your files from being infected by viruses or Trojans.
  • Privacy guard: Protect your privacy effectively.

Users who want to give it a try should check out the demo video below.

The feature to apply changes made in the virtual environment to the real system makes the software interesting.

Wondershare Time Freeze is only compatible with 32-bit editions of the Windows operating system.

Update: Wondershare Time Freeze is no longer a free program. Only a commercial version is available, and users looking for an alternative may use one of the alternatives posted above.