Announcing the ‘AC Photo Contest: Festive’ winners!


It’s a festive time of year, and that’s why we requested pictures that illustrate the idea. And while we didn’t get quite as many entries as we first expected, that means the dozens of solid entries that made their way into the forums had that much higher of an opportunity to win a prize. Read on to see the wonderful set of winners in our latest contest.

Winner of a $50 Google Play gift card, mrcrusha829!

Android Central Photo Contest: Festive winner

It isn’t a traditional green tree, but it’s beautiful all the same — this up-close shot shows off wonderful colors in the ornaments, and the strong light from one side gives you a great haze so you really focus on the frontmost green bulb. Taken with an Xperia Z1S and edited in VSCO Cam. Well done!

Winner of a $50 Google Play gift card, Richard Servello!

Android Central Photo Contest: Festive winner

Another in-tree shot of an ornament, but this one’s a bit clearer and simpler. The brilliant up-close angle changes your sense of how big the ornament is, and the blurred needles of the tree give an extra neat effect. Taken with a Nexus 6P and edited with Lightroom Mobile — nice one!

Winner of a $50 Google Play gift card, Blueslice!

Android Central Photo Contest: Festive winner

Not on a tree, but some nice lights nonetheless. The dark room being lit up only by the colorful lights creates a neat look, and you almost don’t notice the cables and cords in the background at first. Taken with a Galaxy S5. Great shot!

If you’ve won this contest, keep an eye on your email inbox for information on how we’ll get the prize out to you. It may take some time to get to everyone, so please be patient while you wait to be contacted.

Thanks again to everyone else who entered, and keep your eyes peeled for the next photo contest. We want the chance to give away more great prizes to everyone, so keep taking pictures and entering them!

More: Photo Contests in the Android Central Forums