Michael Gartenberg on CES 2016 is your must-read of the day


CES 2016

CES 2016 is in full swing. Gadgets, gizmos and anything else you could think of sits in conference centers and booths, just waiting for someone to walk by with a camera and a notebook. It is a week-long festival where we all get to find out about the things that someone thinks we will want to buy. It’s a lot of work for everyone involved, and it’s a lot of fun for gadget nerds. And Vegas. Never forget the desert spectacle that is Vegas.

Michael Gartenberg, formerly Apple’s Sr. Director of Worldwide Product Marketing and research director at Gartner, is a long time purveyor of electronic gadgets big and small. It’s in his blood. He took on CES 2016, and has a few words you’ll want to read.

It’s a Sharper Image catalog brought to life, the ultimate “Why? Because I can!”

He offers a pretty unique view of CES and what it has become, and even if you don’t agree with his point of view, it’s a great read. Twenty-some-odd years of being a gadget guru to the Nth degree gives Gartenberg some pretty serious street-cred when it comes to knowing what’s good, what’s not, and what people will really want.

Read: CES 2016: The Toaster-Fridge Awakens—in 4K HDR!