Your OnePlus Type-C cable is safe to use… with your OnePlus 2


OnePlus has responded to concerns about the company’s Type-C cable, reassuring customers that the accessory is perfectly safe to use with the OnePlus 2. It is – however – not recommended to use the cable with other hardware. The company is working to address the problem with future revisions of cables, but you will be able to request a refund should you have purchased the Type-C cable separately.

Google engineer Benson Leung previously reviewed the USB cable and explained that it doesn’t comply with USB specifications. While it’s safe to use with the OnePlus 2, it may have the potential to cause damage to third-party hardware. Here’s a quote from co-founder Carl Pie’s forum announcement published today:

“Our cable and adapter use a 10kΩ resistor, but according to version 1.1 of the Type-C port standard, these products should be using a 56kΩ resistor. The issue is that the cable and adapter are designed for a maximum of 2 amps of power, but the resistor will allow fast-charging devices to try to draw more power than a power source may allow. This could result in damage to the power source (third-party charger, USB port, etc.) if the device and power source do not have an internal mechanism to self-regulate the amount of power flowing to or from them.”

It’s stated that OnePlus is already working on 56kΩ resistor support for future cabling, and the company will reveal when said accessories will be made available. Want to get a refund? You can do so by heading to the official website.

Source: OnePlus