Bypass Recycle Bin When Deleting Files In Windows 10


If you feel that going to the recycle bin and permanently deleting an already deleted file from your PC is sheer nonsense, you can bypass recycle bin when deleting files in Windows 10 to avoid that.

The recycle bin has always been a part of Windows 10. Whether its Windows 95 or Windows XP, the recycle bin is to date one of the untouched components of Windows. It is the place where all the files go to when you select delete from the context menu that appears by right clicking that file.

A very handy but sometimes annoying feature of the recycle bin is that it stores all the files you’ve deleted until you manually make your way to it and delete them. One would wonder why such a functionality exists but its just a safety measure taken in Windows for any accidental deletions. Also, if you’ve deleted a certain file which for any reason you feel like having back later on, you can simply go to the recycle bin and restore it.

The recycle bin in Windows 10 doesn’t really offer you anything new. We’ve previously covered how you can add recycle bin to taskbar (as well as how to hide it from the desktop) so that it’s easier to access but apart from that, its pretty much the same as was in the previous Windows builds.

One of the things that Windows 10 allows you to do is bypass recycle bin when deleting files. By this we mean that when you delete a file, by default it goes to the recycle bin and retains the space it used to have. To free that up and permanently delete that file from your PC, you have to manually go to it in the recycle bin and delete it permanently. To automatically delete that permanent file without you having to do it, here’s how you can bypass recycle bin when deleting files in Windows 10.

Step 1: Right click on the recycle bin.

Step 2: From the context menu, Click on Properties.

Step 3: For the drive you wish to bypass recycle bin when deleting files, select it from the list below Recycle bin location.

Step 4: Check the option that says Don’t move files to the recycle bin. Remove files immediately when deleted as shown in the image below.

Steps To Bypass Recycle Bin When Deleting Files In Windows 10

Click on OK and you’re good to go.