Shared Albums will make their way to Google Photos later this year


Shared Albums will make their way to Google Photos

Google Photos has been very popular among users since it first launched a few months ago, as Google has revealed that more than 50 billion photos and videos have already been uploaded. In an effort to continue to improve upon the service, Google announced that later this year the service will gain Shared Albums support. With Shared Albums, multiple users will now be able to upload and be notified of changes in a single album. Previously, sharing was only a one way street, where you could show them the images, but they couldn’t add to the album.

The way it works is simple: tap the share button, pick the communications app of choice and send a link. Once the recipient opens the link, they will be able to tap the + button and add their photos to the album. If you want to share photos with someone who isn’t there, and may not have anything to add, they can join the album and be notified of changes in the same fashion.

Shared Albums will be making their way to Google Photos later this year, and will work across all platforms that are supported by Google Photos.