How To Disable / Enable Touch Keyboard In Windows 10


One of the best aspects of Windows 10 is its compatibility with touchscreen laptops. To enable touch keyboard for a better touch and work experience, follow the steps below.

Windows 8 came with a popular slogan called ‘Everything at once’. Microsoft developers were very keen on making Windows 8, a huge step above the rest of Windows. Significant upgrades in its UI and functionality were made. Then came Windows 8.1 which wasn’t much of a change but what Microsoft was doing was what Jim Carey’s used to of doing quite more often. Making us what for the legen….wait for it….dary.

Come Windows 10 and users around the world were scratching their heads either in disbelief of what was promised and what has been delivered or simply in awe of the new OS. However, in whichever category you place yourself, there is no denying that Windows 10 has brought some things on the plate which Windows was lagging in from a long time.

Ever since the concept of Windows 8/8.1/10 has come to the surface, one thing has been constant in all of them. They are very friendly when it comes to using them on touch enabled devices.  I’ve had a pretty satisfying experience when using Windows 10 on touchscreen enabled laptops and the added functionality of the Tablet Mode made the joy of working in Windows 10 shift gears. Tablet mode, while great to use with touch, has some limitations when compared to the normal Windows 10 user mode. Drag and drops, context menus not being available etc. are some of the small things you cannot do in certain programs.

The Tablet Mode is one thing but if you wish to have an on screen keyboard to type anything you want, this is how you can enable touch keyboard in Windows 10.

Step 1: Right click on Taskbar.

Step 2: From the context menu, click on ‘Show touch keyboard button’.

Step 3(optional): Ignore the step above if the keyboard button, by default, appears in the system tray in your Taskbar as shown in the image below.

 How To Disable / Enable Touch Keyboard In Windows 10

Step 4: Now, simply click on the keyboard icon and access it anywhere you like as shown in the image below.

Demo of the enabled keyboard

Love it or hate it, this is one of those undeniable features which are sometimes great to use. Don’t feel dejected if your laptop does not supports touchscreen as you can simply use it with your mouse too!